Babe’s Mufflers

Babe's Mufflers

This giant Babe has been greeting people on The Alameda in San Jose since before I was born and I can remember him offering his muffler services in all his giantness since I was a child. He’s held up pretty well. This photo looks like a forced perspective visual illusion. I assure you, however, Babe is just huge and the man walking with a dog is perfectly normal and probably not named Gulliver.

Railroad Track – Stunningly Beautiful Mural in Progress

This GIANT mural is gorgeous! These photos were from just a couple of days ago and it is in progress. This is being done by Lacey Bryant ( , a San Jose artist I really appreciate. Several of my favorite murals in San Jose are by her. Take a look at this one along the tracks between 1st and 2nd street, just north of Julian.

Railroad Tracks Mural
Railroad Tracks Mural
Beautiful identifiable Native California plants – super giant so walking next to the mural you are the little insect in the big world of beauty.
Railroad Tracks Mural
This is why I love Lacey Bryant’s work. She blends so much fantasy and reality so beautifully. Look at this, and look at the transition of the mountain woman’s clothing into the hills. Up close in person, the flowers that make up the woman’s face are awesome to contemplate. So much here to appreciate. I can hardly wait to see this finished.
Railroad Tracks Mural
And what is going to go over here?! Oh, I am looking forward to my next visit to this wall!