Spring Flowers in San Jose
Morning Sky from Oakridge Mall Parking Garage
El Sueño de la Mariposa Mural
El Sueño de la Mariposa, The Dream of the Butterfly, created by muralist Morgan Bricca (https://www.morganmurals.com). Stunningly beautiful.
Corn in the Yard
It’s starting to grow…
We Live Here Sculpture
Created by artist Ries Niemi (riesniemi.com), this sculpture in steel has indigenous plant references and says a message in three languages as you walk around the base.
Ohlone: Makin Mak Si Ni Ta Was
Spanish: Nosotros Vivemos Agui
English: We Live Here
Poppy – April 6 is California Poppy day
So beautiful, something in me swells with joy when I see these.
California Poppy Day was established as April 6th by the California Senate in 2010.
The Moon on the Wall of Trees
Beauty Is Individual
This mural is also on Stevens Creek Boulevard and is also on the east facing wall of a hair salon. Interesting.
Smiling on Stevens Creek Boulevard
I smile looking at this kid smile. The photo makes it a little hard to see with the shadow- just imagine looking at a smiling kid in real life and think about how you want to smile, too. The mural is signed Tulio/Ylan though I have not yet found more info.