San Jose in Lego

Among other landmarks, you can see the San Jose Museum of Art above, and San Jose City Hall below.

You can visit San Jose, and other cities of the Bay Area, in Lego scale at the Lego Land Discovery Center in The Great Mall of Milpitas.

Art at Santana Row

Santana Row Art

There are a lot of art pieces and artistic touches at the Santana Row shopping area. This mural is called Linked by Allison Kunath (

Santana Row Art

Mural by Hector Covarrubias (

Santana Row Art

There is a walkway with numerous moons transitioning through phases overhead. Here are a couple of examples.

Santana Row Art
Santana Row Art
Santana Row Art
Santana Row Art
Santana Row Art
Santana Row Art

I did not find details on the sculptures or architectural touches though there are several to find and more than I have captured here.

Santana Row Art
Santana Row Art
Santana Row Art

This mural by Mike Tyau (

Cabbage at the Library

Cabbage Sculpture

From the street of San Tomas Aquino Rd. I assumed I was looking at a simple, though attractive, vegetable sculpture. Then I got closer and saw there was more to it. Notice the roof of this library has a rain spout directed to the top of the sculpture. Then, looking closer I saw that the sculpture has curves that channel water and a drain near its base. It is a part of the rain water drain path! That is just neat. I found that the artist Elizabeth Conner ( calls this work “Cabbage”.

Cabbage Sculpture

From the top you can see how the water is channeled all around the grooves of the sculpture’s leaves as it flows down towards the drain.

Cabbage Sculpture

Waterways work their away around it all and it has integrated lights to backlight the leaves at night.

Cabbage Sculpture

I like looking at this and hope to be near it when it is raining some day.