Bright Murals

Mural by Yoshi47

This mural is by Japanese artist yoshi47 ( That’s a big smile. And then you enjoy the close up shaggy fur and look deep in their eyes.

Mural by Yoshi47
Mural by Yoshi47 and Wabi Sabi Sunset Mural by A. Schoultz

The mural is next to another mural called Wabi Sabi Sunset by artist Andrew Shoultz . Here is a close up of the inviting colors and lines.

Wabi Sabi Sunset Mural by A. Schoultz

These murals go well together, using bright colors and making something big from smaller repetitive lines that are themselves beautiful to consume and contemplate.

Koalas in the Trees

You may have to look carefully when downtown to see these koala sculptures climbing in the trees. When you spot them, it is a pleasant surprise. The koalas are climbing in a series of trees on the street meridian of E San Carlos Street. Look for a bit and you may find more than you expected over several trees. Here is an example.

Koala Art